YGPT Europe Events

✆ +41 79 198 98 30

✆ +43 660 83 466 55

Bodh I – Awakening to self realisation


15. April 2024    
18:00 CEST – 20:30 CEST


Klosterneuburger Straße 68/41
Klosterneuburger Straße 68/41, 1200 Vienna (Austria)

Do you feel constant pressure, stress and uncertainty?
There’s something you can do about that!

With this event you can:
– Understand what’s going on in you and the world
– Learn more about the importance of dealing with emotions
– Experience an energy-based process and start your personal transformation journey
– Experience lasting positive change in your life

This event is for everyone between the ages of 16-35 and free of charge!

We are excited to see you there!

Register here!

  Love your Life

Find guidance and support in becoming the best, most natural version of yourself truly doing justice to your heart and potential and learn to fall in love with life again with all it has to offer.