YGPT Europe Events

✆ +41 79 198 98 30

✆ +43 660 83 466 55

Cleanup Vienna


21. September 2024    
10:00 CEST – 12:00 CEST


Gaußplatz Wien
Gaußplatz, Bäckerei Prindl, Augarten, 1200 Wien (Austria)

We humans inflict a lot of suffering on our planet, we clear entire forests, cover meadows and fields with concrete, fertilise our food with toxic substances. And pollute the entire planet with rubbish. That’s why we get together to relieve Mother Earth of some of this suffering by collecting rubbish. Collecting rubbish together, with our love and care for Mother Earth. It takes this dedication and time.

So give Mother Earth 1 to 1.5 hours of your time to be there. Bring disposable gloves or gardening gloves and wear clothes that can get a little dirty. Rubbish bags will be provided. In these 1 to 1.5 1/2 hours, as long as we have fun, we will clean a route, a place as far as possible.

Take a water bottle with you, maybe a little something to eat and if you still have time and feel like it, we can spend some time together afterwards. If you have any questions or want to talk about things, this is the right time to do so. We are really looking forward to seeing you and the clean-up together.

Meeting point: Gaußplatz, Prindl bakery, Augarten

Registration with Bernd: +43 699 12 00 371

  Clean Planet

Join us and be a part of our movement! Together we can help, heal and protect our planet and move towards a green future. Let’s express all our Love for Mother Nature!