Experience the Power of Love
To come home, to feel safe and secure – who doesn’t yearn for such a feeling?
At this event, you will experience an extraordinary journey back to yourself – to your true nature. You will experience a connection with your source of strength, the love within you, and be completely filled with happiness, joy and profound peace within.
What awaits you?
• The entire event is specifically designed to connect with yourself and your source of strength – love – and to strengthen you internally.
• You will gain in-depth knowledge about what defines you as a human being and learn to understand the underlying principles.
• You will experience a unique process with Maitreya Dadashreeji that will help you to transform yourself and your life. You will be filled with joy, serenity and peace.
Join our Whatsapp group for more information about the event and to plan your journey! https://chat.whatsapp.com/HDePHT5L45NIcRLdZgsgnW
More information about the event: www.maitribodh.eu/power-of-love
Registration for the event: https://eventfrog.de/de/p/kurse-seminare/sonstige-kurse-seminare/erfahre-die-kraft-der-liebe-experience-the-power-of-love-7168011847475370008.html
The event will be in English language with translation into German language and simultanous translation into Italian language.
If you have any questions, please write to Jasmin: +41 79 198 98 30
Find guidance and support in becoming the best, most natural version of yourself truly doing justice to your heart and potential and learn to fall in love with life again with all it has to offer.