YGPT Europe Events

✆ +41 79 198 98 30

✆ +43 660 83 466 55

Kindersommer Abschlussfest

Kindersommer Abschlussfest


31. August 2024    
10:00 CEST – 15:00 CEST


Sportplatz Paudorf
Kremserstraße 190, 3508 Paudorf (Austria)

We invite ALL children to take part in the inclusive activity stations from 10 a.m.

You can use the form below to register for the stations.

After lunch from 1 p.m., there will be a special surprise: a live concert by Starmania winner Stefan Eigner directly on the football pitch (no registration required).

Be there, we look forward to it 🥳

  Human Bridge

With Human Bridge we inspire and encourage people from all ages and backgrounds, making them feel fully accepted in our community. Our project partners with schools, sport clubs, and companies to host regular events for socially disadvantaged individuals and those with special needs with the goal to create an inclusive society.

Bookings are closed for this event.